Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reiki Day 32 - Implications of Ki circulatory cycle

In pondering my cat's input from day 17, I've noticed a tugging sensation at my wrists. It seemed related to the flow from the energy point at the palms of my hands which directed my attention to the extended diagrams of Ki flow and major/minor chakras.

There's the major energy point/minor chakra in the palm of the hands/feet where, among other things, Reiki healing flows out. The inner wrist/ankle is an energy intake/balancing point, commonly used in acupressure. What if two practitioners join with the palms of each person's hands facing the inner wrist of the other and both start Reiki flowing?

It seems to me that this should join their Ki channels into a single channel with simultaneous energy input resulting in harmonic overtones that would enhance the signal strength (horribly mixing metaphors, but I can't think of a single one to cover). If this holds true, it should extend to any number of people in a circle, probably with the energy flowing in two concentric circles in opposite directions.

I don't see anything like this in the Reiki world. The only group work I find there is multiple people taking turns at the standard Reiki positions. Any given individual is either the healee or one of the healers. Yet everyone says "Reiki goes where it's needed" regardless of the positions. Healers over and over declare that they are strengthened by being in the healing channel. Reiki doesn't seem to be innately unidirectional.

I have heard of some circle work among psychics in fiction, and I believe there is something similar in Wicca. These do entail multiple individuals combining into a larger organism to accomplish something larger. What if that something larger was simply mutual healing within the circle?

I need to find someone to try this out with.

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